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Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving the Extraordinary Together

How is extra support allocated to students?

Use of Data in Identification: Falconer School recognises the benefit of early identification and making effective provision improves the long-term outcomes for the child or young person. Students will be assessed on entry for reading, spelling, writing and numeracy; account will be taken of any KS2 data available from Primary Feeder Schools. Students that are identified as being below age related national expectations will receive additional support to close the gap. Progress will be closely monitored. Where students are unable to close the gap within the natural cycle of the support programme, or are exceptionally low on entry to the School, they will be assessed by the SENCO and his team. In year 9, all students participate in the Access arrangements assessment process in order to provide them with appropriate support in their public exams in Key Stage 4.


Role of Subject Teachers in Identification: 

Subject teachers are expected to formally assess student progress at least once per half term. Subject teachers will work with their SENCO to identify students making less than expected progress given their age. Teachers will be expected to provide intervention in the first instance for any student that is falling behind. This is adapting their teaching to provide high quality teaching tailored to the gaps in the student’s learning with clearly differentiated work meeting the needs of the student(s) in question. This may involve use of additional time such as enrichment time. Where progress continues to be less than expected, the class teacher should discuss interventions with the SENCO. This usually involves compulsory, supported enrichment sessions outside the class teaching or short-term supported withdrawal within the School day focusing on a specific skill area. Throughout the intervention processes, the SENCO/subject teacher should communicate their plans for intervention.


Throughout this process, every effort should be made to communicate with the student and their family what support is available and why it is being provided. This should be over and above the progress reports sent to parents every half term.


Involving Parents/carers: 

If a concern persists regarding a student’s lack of progress, a meeting will be held with parents/carers to discuss the concerns and decide together what actions would be most appropriate to support the student. Actions might include personalisation within lessons, support from a Teaching Assistant in some lessons, or asking advice from specialists and acting on it. At Falconer School, we appreciate that parents/carers are experts on their own children and so we always listen carefully to their views and plan together. Students themselves are also asked about any difficulties they are having and what sort of support they feel would benefit them, and their views are also listened to and taken into account.
