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Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving the Extraordinary Together

Careers advice and guidance

Students in Year 9 and Year 11 receive impartial careers advice prior to making option choices for Key Stage 4 and Post-16.  These students are provided with Guidance Meeting Interviews to help them decide what they would like to do next after Falconer School. The Personal Advisor from Services for Young People is Mr Ty O’Callaghan, he is usually in attendance at Falconer school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (term time only).


As well as Guidance Meeting Interviews Services for Young People can support with:

Attending Annual Reviews Year 9/11

Attending the Year 9 Options Evening and Year 11 Parents Evening

Attending the Exams Collections morning: August

Attending college open days

Information on Traineeships & Apprenticeships

Higher Needs Funding

Partnership Meetings

Support with applying for college (Applications/Interviews)

Support with School Transport

Team/Group workshops

Personal Statement

SMART Action Plans


The school is committed to providing excellent Careers Education and Impartial Advice & Guidance, as detailed in the Gatsby Benchmarks. The school's programme of CEIAG is continually under review and developed in partnership with external experts, as well as being flexible to respond to the interests and aspirations of our students. CEIAG is delivered through our PSHCE and Personal Development curricula, as well as through off-site visits, work experience and other off-timetable events.


"All students at Falconer have the opportunity to undertake Work Experience (usually in Year 10), which is coordinated by our colleagues from Services for Young People. Work Experience is an excellent way to explore options after school and gain a better understanding of the world of work. The school also works with students to facilitate additional work experience as appropriate to an individual's aspirations and ambitions.


Careers Personal Advisor (SfYP): Mr Ty O’Callaghan


Phone Number: 07970 193500 (Mon to Fri 9.30 to 16.30)


Parents, carers and supporting professionals can contact Falconer School’s Personal Advisor Mr Ty O’Callaghan via the above email, alternatively he can be contacted (Mon to Fri 9.30 to 16.30) on the above mobile number or when in attendance at Falconer School.


School Careers Officer: Mrs Vicky Reed (formally Ms Vicky Davis) or Mr David Cline

Email: or

Phone number: 0208 9502505


Parents, carers and supporting professionals can contact Falconer School’s Careers Lead Mrs Vicky Reed via the above email or at: Alternatively she can be contacted in school hours on the above school number.


Useful Websites:

National Careers Service Provides information, advice, and guidance to help make decisions on learning, training, and work for the future.

A guide to apprenticeships Find out what it’s like to be an apprentice – the opportunities, benefits and just how far an Apprenticeship can take you in the future, from Level 2 to Level 6 (Degree Apprenticeship).

The Apprenticeship Guide The definitive guide to Apprenticeships, supporting choices to an Apprenticeship by industry sector, school subject or interest.

Success At School Gives clear and comprehensive information about a range of Career Zones (sectors), in an easy to access format. Students can create a profile to help to collate useful information. Provides a useful insight into specific careers pathways.

How 2 Become Offers detailed advice on how to access a range of sectors. Also offers the purchase of resources, compiled in conjunction with professionals working in these fields, designed to enable you to achieve your dream career or course.

Fast Tomato An interactive careers website to help with ‘careers matching’ programmed to help with career choices.


Services for Young People Services for Young People is part of Hertfordshire County Council and provides youth work projects, information, advice, impartial guidance, work-related learning, and wider targeted support for young people in Hertfordshire.


HOP Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal is the premier gateway to explore careers opportunities around the county of Hertfordshire that are growing rapidly and recruiting locally.

Life Sciences

Engineering & Manufacturing

Film & Media


Health & Social Care


Business Services

Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal (HOP) (


Find a Traineeship A traineeship is a course with work experience that gets you ready for work or an apprenticeship. It can last from 6 weeks up to 1 year, though most traineeships last for less than 6 months. Find a traineeship - GOV.UK (



Useful Careers Websites

Other Websites

Parents support

Religious Studies, Assemblies and Collective Worship

Falconer is a community with shared values and a clearly identified ethos. These values are essentially Christian in nature, but we welcome students from any religious background. Religious Studies is delivered within Humanities at Key Stages 3 and 4 and through Extended Learning Days.


We have two assemblies a week which reflect the religious calendar, celebratory occasions and special events in the life of the school. During registration each morning there is a theme of the week and connected Thoughts for the Day. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the RS programme and collective worship provided.


Health Education

A co-ordinated programme of sex education, both formal and informal, is delivered to all students as and when appropriate. It is related to the age and gender of students and to their identified needs. It is dealt with in a sympathetic and sensitive manner, with group discussions taking place in an atmosphere of mutual trust, respect and confidence. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour and moral development.
