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Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving the Extraordinary Together

PE and Games

Department Staff: J Fisher – PE Coach and Instructor

                              A.Noot - P.E Coach and Instructor


Curriculum Intent – Physical Education

At Falconer School we believe that Physical Education and structured physical activity, providing for improved physical and mental health, is a fundamental right of every student.

The intent of the Physical Education curriculum is to provide all students with access to a wide range of physical activity – from team and individual sports, through to understanding effective use of personal exercise equipment. The curriculum is designed to be flexible and personalised – ensuring accessibility for all students and accommodating individual interests and ambitions.

Furthermore, the curriculum aims to develop an understanding of the importance of physical well-being and its connection to positive mental health (complementing the school’s PSHE programme).

The KS4 offer in Physical Education is core to all students, with additional opportunity to gain qualifications at an appropriate level at the end of Key Stage 4.


Curriculum Intent – Vocational

Falconer School fundamentally believes in the right of every student to a breadth of curriculum  opportunities – both academic and vocational. The Vocational Curriculum has discrete lessons in Construction, Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Horticulture.

The intent of the Vocational Curriculum is to provide structured and meaningful opportunities to:

  • Develop vocational skills;
  • Develop awareness and understanding of health and safety considerations;
  • Become proficient in essential workskills that can be developed in the vocational setting – including self-regulation, teamwork, communication (complementing the PSHE and Talk-For-Learning curricula);
  • Explore vocational routes in education and beyond;
  • Be well-prepared for next steps beyond Falconer School in terms of further education, training and employment.

Every student has the opportunity to experience Vocational Curriculum subjects at Key Stage 3 to enable them to make informed choices as they progress into Key Stage 4. The curriculum intends to provide clear progression routes through the school learning journey and prepare students for vocational education beyond Key Stage 4.
