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Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving the Extraordinary Together


The Governing Body is a key part of any school; its constitution and responsibilities are set out in various Acts of Parliament.


The Governing Body has three key roles:

  • Setting the strategic direction of the school
  • Monitoring the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the head teacher
  • Ensuring financial viability


From December 2021 some changes were made by the DfE and Herts County Council to the Governance structure of Falconer’s school. An Interim Executive Board (IEB) was appointed to fulfil the responsibilities usually carried out by the Governing Body.

The members of the IEB were all experienced educational professionals comprising of three Headteachers, a recently retired Headteacher and the Hertfordshire County lead for Access and Inclusion. In addition, the IEB worked closely with Ms Fox and the other members of the school leadership team to ensure that the drive for school improvement continues to be focused and ultimately effective. The school are grateful for the support it received during this period. 


In May 2024 the Local Authority made the decision to move to the usual Governors arrangements and a new Governing Body was appointed. Members have been recruited with the skills and experience to take the school on the next part of its journey and to continue to improve the educational offer for our young people at Falconer.


Governing Body members

Mr T. Coulson - Chair of Governors (

Mrs V Hudson – Health and Safety Governor

Mr A Dabin - SEND Governor

Ms S. Glossop - Safeguarding Governor

Mr R. MacDonald

Mr A Griffith - Business and Finance Governor






