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Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving the Extraordinary Together

How will teaching be adapted to meet my child’s learning needs?

We personalise our teaching as necessary to ensure that the learning needs of all students are met. This may take the form of:


  • Working in small groups or pairs
  • Using a variety of materials in the classroom
  • Using a range of strategies as advised by our SENCO
  • Support from a Teaching Assistant
  • Using technology such as a laptop, IWB


Curriculum: All Falconer School students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The curriculum offer is highly personalised to the individual student in order for them to be successful both in terms of their learning, progress, outcomes, character development and their progression to their future pathways.


Differentiation enabling Curriculum Access: Our teachers will set high expectations for every student, whatever their prior attainment. Assessment targets (based on prior attainment) will be set centrally by the School according to the School’s Assessment Policy. Teachers will set individual student next steps towards their targets based on their assessment of student’s individual work and their developmental needs which are deliberately ambitious for the individual and are in line with this policy. In addition, teachers will provide specific, subject based, written, formative feedback in the form of marking to enable students to work towards their next milestone in the subject. Lessons will be planned to address any potential areas of difficulty and to remove barriers to student achievement. In the majority of cases, this will mean that students with SEN and disabilities will be able to study the full curriculum.


Alternative Provision: Falconer School may commission alternative provision for students who face barriers to participation in mainstream education. Alternative Provision will be used only when other mainstream options have been exhausted. Parents and students need to be in agreement and parents will need to sign paperwork. Providers are quality assured by the Vocational Learning Co-ordinator who works closely with all chosen providers. Falconer School only works with providers who meet our high expectations of our students in terms of education, support, safeguarding and aspirations. Parents are kept closely informed of their child’s progress by the Vocational Learning Co-ordinator. With parental/carers agreement, information is shared with the provider regarding the child’s SEND. Falconer School will, in the main through the Vocational Learning Co-ordinator, ensure that there is a clear progression plan and keep the arrangements under review, adapting to the needs of the student. Should an alternative provider have concerns about a child who may have SEN that are not being met, they should raise their concerns with the Vocational Learning Co-ordinator who will liaise with the SENCO.


Online Learning: Online learning is a form of alternative provision. It can provide real-time teaching support and may provide a broader curriculum and offer opportunities for students to interact with each other. Falconer School can make decisions to make use of online learning for students with SEN, although it will take into account the views of parents, students or professionals when making this decision. Where feasible, online learning will be accompanied by opportunities for face-to-face contact with peers. Any decision to use online learning from a student’s home will include an assessment of their suitability for independent learning and their home circumstances.


Character: At Falconer School we believe that developing a student’s character is an essential part of their preparation for successful adult life. We have identified the characteristics of zest, grit, self-control, optimism, gratitude, social intelligence and curiosity as highly predictive strengths in successful adults based on the research of the University of Pennsylvania and Michigan. We recognise that all our students will have different starting points in all of these characteristics. We are weaving character development through our teaching and wider learning experiences and believe that by developing a common language for these characteristics of success, we are helping to prepare our students for their future in the widest possible sense. Character development forms an important part of delivery for all years but year 7 in particular. It is a central component to the planning of the curriculum for our nurture groups.


Enrichment: All students are encouraged to attend at least one enrichment session per week. Students have many wider enrichment opportunities within their curriculum, including trips and visits. Individual student’s needs will be taken into account when planning for these.
