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Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving the Extraordinary Together

How will Falconer School measure the progress of my child? How will I know about this?

At Falconer School your child’s progress is continually monitored by subject teachers and the Senior Leadership Team. In addition:


  • Progress is reviewed formally at the end of term.
  • Students’ profiles are posted to parents each half term, showing their child’s targets, current working grades and attitude to learning grades for each subject studied.
  • There are also opportunities to gain information about progress expectations and to discuss your child’s progress at meetings for all parents, which include Key Information Meetings in September, Target Setting and Review Day and Parents’ Evenings later in the year.
  • If your child has complex SEN needs, you will be invited in once every term to attend a review meeting, where we can discuss your child’s progress with you and your child and together develop a plan for the next term.
  • In addition, the progress of students with a Statement of SEN or EHC Plan is formally reviewed once a year at an Annual Review with you, your child and all adults involved with her education.
  • Our SENCO will also check that your child is making good progress within any individual work, and in any group, that they take part in.