How are the staff at Falconer School helped to work with SEND students and what training do they have?
At Falconer School, we have a set training programme for all staff which focuses on supporting outstanding teaching and learning. Included in this programme are a range of workshops on topics such as differentiation (personalising the curriculum to meet every student’s needs) and different special educational needs (Literacy, Numeracy, ASD, Speech and Language). Our teaching assistants attend training that is relevant and specific to the needs of the students who they support.
Our training focuses on:
- High quality teaching and learning- leading to improved progress for all students (assessment and target setting).
- Structured conversations with parents/carers – to improve parents’/carers’ engagement with school and their involvement in their child’s learning and achievement.
- Wider outcomes – to support the participation, enjoyment and achievement of children in all elements of school life.
In addition to the above, all staff are encouraged to share good practice and attend external training which enables them to build on their strengths and develop skills in other areas that will help them to provide effective support to our SEN students.