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Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving the Extraordinary Together

How does Falconer School support students when they are moving between key stages or teaching groups or moving to a new school/college?

Transition from Primary: Falconer School works closely in partnership with all its primary schools. Information is shared between the School and the primary school with regard to SEN where this is agreed with the parents and students involved. As part of the transition process, students and parents will have the opportunity to meet with the school staff and to visit the school a number of times before arriving in September. There is usually opportunities for students to take part in induction activities as part of the whole School transition programme for example induction days.


Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 Transition: Students in year 9 are fully supported to make their curriculum choices for Key Stage 4. Within the ECHP, students will discuss appropriate subject choices that meet their needs and aspirations for the future, including post-16 education.


Careers Education: Falconer School will ensure that all students between years 8 to 11 are provided with independent careers guidance (see Careers Policy). Falconer School will ensure that it works to raise the career aspirations of all our students and broaden their employment horizons via opportunities such as taster days; work experience; mentoring; enterprise experiences; role models and inspiring speakers.


Support to Prepare for Adulthood: Falconer School will work to understand the interests, strengths and motivations of our students and use this as a basis to plan support around them. We will provide support to ensure that students are included in social groups and encouraged to make friendships. This may be through full participation in the tutor programme; social skills workshops; pastoral work; nurture group membership or one to one support in the form of counselling or other well-being support. In addition, all students are be encouraged to take part in enrichment activities both within and beyond the School day, this includes the extended day; trips and visits.


Preparation for Adulthood: For students in year 9 onwards, Falconer School will seek to work in partnership with other agencies such as employment services; West Herts College; post-16 providers and 6th forms; alternative education partners; housing agencies; disability organisations and other relevant agencies as required to ensure that students understand what support and opportunity is available for them as they get older. Where possible, Falconer School will seek opportunities for students to meet disabled adults who are successful in their work or who have made a significant contribution to their community. For teenage students, the focus on achievement and post-16 options is essential; this will include preparation for higher education and/or employment. Training options such as supported internships, apprenticeships and traineeships or support for setting up your own business will be discussed as required. For all our students transition planning will result in clear outcomes being agreed that are ambitious and stretching in preparing the student for adulthood.


Young People making their Own Decisions: As our students develop, Falconer School will ensure they are more and more closely involved in the decisions about their own future. We recognise that after compulsory school age the right to make requests and decisions under the Children and Families Act 2014 applies to them directly, rather than to their parents. In the vast majority of cases, parents will be involved in supporting our students to make decisions. Falconer School will continue to involve parents/carers wherever possible and appropriate, but the final decision rests with the young person. Falconer School will continue to involve parents where there are concerns around attendance, behaviour or welfare. In addition, Falconer School will continue to be involved in discussions around the young person’s studies and progress whatever post-16 destination, to ensure they remain and complete their studies. This is our commitment to our students.


Planning Transition into Post-16 Education and Training: In year 9, Falconer School will enable students to explore the various post-16 options and the help that can be provided to get the student to this point. In year 10, more specific courses and providers will be explored, to include taster days or visits as relevant. In year 11, students and families will be supported to decide on a firm destination post-16 and to familiarise them with the expected new setting. This will include contingency planning.


Information about previous SEN provision will be shared with any post-16 provider before the young person takes their place, preferably in the Spring Term prior to their start to enable the provider to develop a suitable support plan. Falconer School will share this information sensitively and with the best interests of the student at the centre. Students must agree the information to be shared.
