Exams results
Exam Results 2024
The school were extremely proud of the boys and the progress they made individually from starting points.
The schools progress 8 Scores are: -2.25 which is in line with other similar schools.
We are very proud of the results achieved by our Year 11 cohort in 2024. All students achieved qualifications in the key areas of English and Maths as well as achieving a wide range of qualifications in their chosen areas. These qualifications included Photography, Computer Science, Construction, Hospitality & Catering, Sport and Music.
Previous Exams results
Student Destinations 2024
The vast majority of the cohort have been successful in progressing on from secondary to further education. They have selected courses that are suited to their ability (ranging from entry-level bridging courses to Level 3) and their interests (including Sport, Multimedia, Motor Vehicle, Construction and Performing Arts).
The chart above shows where our students have moved on to, but we are always very happy to support them in their next steps. Teachers, Senior Leaders and Mr O’Callaghan (from Services for Young People) are always available, and can be contacted via the school, if any former student requires further support, advice or guidance.
We wish them every success and very much look forward to hearing about their achievements as they continue in their education and careers.