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Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving the Extraordinary Together

Exams results

Exam Results 2024


The school were extremely proud of the boys and the progress they made individually from starting points. 


The schools progress 8 Scores are: -2.25 which is well below average.

All boys regularly attending school achieved at least 5 qualifications. The boys are most successful at Functional Skills and Vocational Qualifications. All boys who would like to sit a GCSE examination get the opportunity to do so. Other mainstream measures are not appropriate for our students.

We have had some very pleasing results for individuals with grades 6 in photography and grade 4s and 5s in maths and science. 


Due to the variation of qualifications and awards, the cohort sizes are too small to represent results on the website.


Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years



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