Exams, Revision & Beating Exam Stress
Your exams are very important and for many people exam time can be the most stressful part of the school year. With so much riding on the outcome, there can be a high degree of pressure to perform well. If you want to succeed, preparation is key. The earlier you start, the more time you will have to prepare for the exam. By starting early and revising on a regular basis, you will give yourself more opportunity to absorb the information and therefore feel more confident as exam time approaches.
Before you start your revision ensure all your course material is well organised so that you can find and fill any gaps. If you miss a lesson, get the notes from your friends or your teacher straight away instead of leaving it to the last minute. Effective organisation will improve your revision process.
Finally, work out which revision techniques work for you, make a plan and stick to it.
For further guidance on revision techniques and strategies please see the link below:
Beating Exam Stress
A certain level of stress is acceptable - it gives us that rush of adrenaline that makes us bother to sit down and study but if you are beginning to feel overwhelmed by stress, becoming anxious and/or tense it is important to acknowledge it and deal with it before it becomes a big problem. Don’t worry about it on your own, talk to someone you trust; friends, a family member or a teacher.
To help avoid excessive exam stress
- Take regular breaks - you can only absorb information for so long before it becomes confusing.
- Try to eat well, avoid eating too much junk food and do some exercise.
- Don't revise all night; a good night's sleep will help you relax and you'll be in a better frame of mind for studying or taking an exam.
- Don't study all the time, take time out to relax and do something you enjoy.