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Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving the Extraordinary Together

Student Destinations

We are very proud that the Year 11 students who graduated from Falconer School have been successful in securing onward progression routes.


Whilst working hard to achieve their qualifications, the students also took advantage of the broad range of activities organised by Mrs Reed, our Careers Leader, in coordination with Mr O’Callaghan from Hertfordshire CC Services for Young People. This included individual interviews, visits to colleges, reviewing prospectuses and developing strong applications.

The efforts of the staff and students were rewarded with successful applications to a range of providers and courses. Courses our students are now following include Construction, Sport & Leisure, Art & Design and Carpentry.


The chart below shows where our students have moved on to, but we are always very happy to support them in their next steps. Mrs Reed and Mr O’Callaghan are available, and can be contacted via the school, if any former student requires further support, advice or guidance.


We wish them every success and very much look forward to hearing about their achievements as they continue in their education and careers.


